Young Galaxy is a Canadian alternative band. Really, their style of music is hard to explain. At times it's very synth-ridden, but it can also be heavy. They often have a light and airy feel to their music. The band is made up of Stephen Ramsay on the guitar, Stephen Kamp on the bass, Liam O'Neill on the drums, and both Catherine McCandless and Max Henry playing keyboards. You'll hear vocals from not just one of the band members, but three. This sounds interesting enough.
The highlight of the song is the massive change in rhythm during the ending. With about one minute left, the beat starts to increase faster and faster. The song then changes completely. With beeping synths and a new beat the track is finished. When hearing this change in pace for the first time, it's a pleasant surprise.
Young Galaxy will have a US release of their newest album, Invisible Republic on July 27. Until then, you can check out their single "Long Live The Fallen World", for free, here. You can also stream and download their other single, "Queen Drum", below. Both songs are great. I would definitely download them and see if it's your kind of music.